Youth Group

The fellowship runs a vibrant Youth group for teenagers between the ages of 13-19 years. The young people are being built up in Christ, not only in character but also to serve. They are involved with supporting Sunday School, serving refreshments after service and setting up for events.

Our young people meet during the second half of the morning service for their Sunday school programme. On those Sundays, they start the service together with the rest of the fellowship and then meet after praise and worship. During their time together they use age appropriate materials, engaged in various activities and discussions are incorporated into the lessons.

Outside of the fellowship the young people meet regularly for social events such as bowling, walks, eating out, bike riding, football, basketball – to name a few.

ARK Christian Fellowship are committed to the nurturing, protection and safeguarding of all children and vulnerable adults associated with the fellowship. In pursuit of this we acknowledge children’s and vulnerable adults’ right to protection from abuse regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability or beliefs. We will follow legislation, statutory guidance and recognised good practice in order to protect vulnerable people in our fellowship.

ARK Christian Fellowship Sunday school teacher and youth workers have an up-to-date enhanced Disclosure and Barring Service (DBS) certificate.

At ARK we take the protection of our children and vulnerable adults seriously. We have a comprehensive Safeguarding Policy available to read on request.

Contact / Location


    Contact info

    Address: Swallowfield Parish Hall
    Swallowfield Street,Swallowfield,
    RG7 1QX
    Phone: 0118 321 5153

    Events / Calendar